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tv   Eyewitness News Morning Weekend  CBS  March 10, 2012 6:00am-8:00am EST

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this broadcast is real time captioned by carrie o'brien. good morning. coming up next on eyewitness news -- no confidence in anne arundel leadership. more on what techive john leopold critics are saying now. -- >> good morning. i'm meghan mccorkell. an alarming new study is showing a rapid increase in h.i.v. cases here in baltimore city. coming up -- we will tell you what the health department is doing about it. plus, war of words. jada pinkett smith are continuing their battle how elephants are cared for. what does mother nature have up her sleeve on this saturday?
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taking live look outside. meteorologist tim williams has the first warning weather forecast. eyewitness news starts now. good morning. welcome to eyewitness news this saturday. i'm gigi barnett. >> i'm tim williams. temperatures are in the 30s across the region. a calm start to the day. >> i had to bundle up. >> it is chilly, it feels like winner is around. it wants to make sure that no one has forgotten. i'm still here, but a cool, chilly start and a pretty calm day as we take a look. we were just comments in the studio how calm it looks out there. the sun is coming up. a nice, still day, but chilly, the temperatures a little below the average. a seasonbry cold day with
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temperatures in the 40s. the average is around 50 degrees. and a little bit below that, not a lot of wind. the sun will be up. breezy and chilly today. sunshine, 28 tonight and clear. then tomorrow, remember we will be springing ahead tonight into tomorrow. so, set your block a-- clock ahead one hour. your complete first warning weather is coming up. >> thank you, tim. now, here is what people will talk about today. cops are get louder for anne arundel executive, john leopold to step down. eyewitness news is investigating the case. now, police and firefighters want the county leader out of office. >> reporter: firefighter and police unions in anne arundel voted they have no confidence in their leadership days after the misconduct inditement against john leopold, some citizens are fed up, too, after the state prosecutor's allegations that leopold's security detail was driving him
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to sexual encounters and keeping tabs on his lover and political opponents. >> i have lived in this county for many years. i'm losing faith in our elected officials time and again. a grown adult man, grown adult person needs to have a code of behavior, that does in theclude having sex in a parking lot. >> but leopold appears unfazed. his office sent eyewitness news on the job business as usual. on police and fire chief no confidence vote. leopold said that the chiefs have done an excellent job maintaining public safety despite fiscal challenges and they will continue to do so. and the county executive does have his supporters. >> i think he should be giving his day in court. they want him to resign. a lot of petty stuff is going on. >> reporter: the rhetoric from union heads is harsh. >> he is a failed leader of
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anne arundel county. >> he doesn't have the moral authority any longer to do his job. >> reporter: but mr. leopold has no intention of setting down. legal experts are saying that fighting an inditement can be distracting and draining, but there is precedent staying in office, that is what sheila dixon did. mike hellgren, eyewitness news. >> and leopold is scheduled to be in court later on this month. baltimore police make a major bust in a gun ring in a quest to get the illegal guns off of the street. police arrested these three people after seizing 16 guns, ammunition, cocaine, and even bullal proof vietnams. police are saying it is a collection that would have brought in $30,000 on the streets. police will go after similar rings this weekend. growing fears of a
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dogfighting ring in anne arundel. authorities found a second badly injured pit bull from where another dog lied last month. now, the investigation is underway. andrea fujii with the story. >> reporter: despite the bite marks and gaming wounds. princess could not stop kissing steven williams last week. >> she is the sweepest -- dog you will ever meet. she did not mind. >> reporter: she was wondering near the highway in brooklyn park, about 5 miles where another injured pill bull was found. animal control is saying both of their injuries show they were in organized dogfight. >> they were unfortunately a victim people either using them for fighting or using them as staged train fighting dogs. >> reporter: animal control is saying dog fighters can be seek rutival. they are asking people in the area to keep an eye out and
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brooklyn park residents will. >> i can't imagine people allowing dogs to fight at this age. with michael vick it is bad. >> i think it is sad to have an animal like that. >> reporter: and princess will recover. a relief for steven williams who says that she is a fighter, but not against other dogs. >> she would look at you with trust in her eyes. she trusted us. >> reporter: andrea fujii, eyewitness news. >> police say if you have any information on any dogfighting call metro crimestoppers. you can remain anonymous. a furniture store is ordered to pay a maryland family a quarter million dollars for infesting their house with bedbugs. the anne arundel mom found the bugs in her twin son's bed. a jury ordered the furniture store to pay the family $225,000 for the boy's medical
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problems. a sky high h.i.v. rate. alarming new numbers from a john hopkins study show that baltimore is a hotspot for the virus that causes a.i.d.s. meghan mccorkell explains. >> reporter: good morning. the numbers surprised the researchers. the most venerable population, black women. the number of new h.i.v. cases in baltimore is five times higher than cdc estimates for urban black women nationwide. doctors are calling baltimore a h.i.v. hotspot, along with five other cities along the east coast. henry has been living with h.i.v. since 1995. >> i had to make a decision to either live orders or die. >> reporter: now, she serves as a patiented a vucould at johns hopkins, most people fear their status. >> yeneed to encourage each
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other to get tested. >> reporter: that what a baltimore city task force is aiming to do. to cut the infections by 25%. >> everyone should be screened. in particular, we're trying to help those. >> reporter: health department is making screening easier than ever, with mobile clinics. >> we do outreach in the vans six nights a week. five night as week. we were work on the block and needle exchange. >> people are taking advantage. >> it is good to get tested. because people are walking around. just having sex with anybody. >> reporter: that tested could help the numbers start to go down. h.i.v. screening through the health department is free. they screen 4500 women last year. meghan mccorkell, eyewitness news. >> thank you, meghan. the chief investigator in the study says that more safe sex counseling is needed. big names are standing from another cause in maryland.
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legalizing medical marijuana, the house of deliates is considering a bill in annapolis now. mon tell williams is saying that marijuana is the only thing that helps him deal with crippling pain. >> this is an issue that bothers me because where this already passed, this could be helping mile mother. >> reporter: and the state health department and the governor do not support this bill. the governor is expected to veto it, if it lands on this desk. another blow in the war of worldsbuse jada pinkett-smith and stephanie rawlings-blake. the actress wants the mayor to monitor elephant care. now, jailedda is firing back. >> reporter: baltimore native jada pinkett smith has real --
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star power. now, she is trying to stop misconduct on efffirst basemans. the circus is coming to town later this month. so, she wrote the mayor banning a device that is likely to cause physical injury or suffering. the mayor responded. >> we have reached out about homelessness, school issues, i would have loved to gotten feedback and support or concern about those issues that are very pressing. >> news traveled fasand today the will and jailedda smithtownidation fired back another letter saying in response, your response to her was disturbing, irresponsible, inflammatory and inaccurate. jada is a prod baltimoreen, who has generously given back to her home town. the letter was sent today, so far, no response from the
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mayor. denise koch, eyewitness news. >> animal rights advocates have just staged protests in charlton and atlanta. ringlong brothers are saying that the animals are cared for. a see decides to spend spring break in baltimore. it is normally found in the tactic and the north atlanta. it is rare to find the ceil in the bay. they normally swill along the coastline. they will monitor it. >> all right. that is like our manatee. >> that is interesting. >> that is the big water. you never know what you're going to find. >> good or bad. so we're looking at a nice day today. >> never know what we're going to find. >> we know what we're going to find. >> we're a week and a few days away from calendar spring. it starts on the 20s.
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two tuesdays from night. we spring ahead tonight. it is time to change your batteries in your smoke detecters and celt your block ahead one hour before you go to bed tonight. we're going to find ourselves one hour closer to spring, how about that. take a look outside. it is a calm start to the day. a nice sunny day is shaping up. full day of sunshine, actually and a calm start to a pretty nice day overall. a little bit below the average highs, around 50 degrees today and going up, of course, through the middle of this week much like last week. no record highs, but a comfortable week shaping up overall. 32 at bwi.
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in ocean cities temperature -- ocean city, the temperatures have a little bit cooler. wind, as we mentioned is just coming in just a little from the northwest, i was talking about ocean city warming up a little with the air coming across the land it is warming up. so, more comfortable as the day progresses on the shore. 13 mile-per-hour winds in cumberland, with the gusts around 15 miles per hour. still, not too bad this morning. pretty very conditions across most of the country until you get around the southern statements. around the gulf and for the most part, a lot of sunshine, high pressure really dominating. a big dome of high pressure across the country, from
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midwest to the northeast. to the north, around new york there is a lake affect up there with the winds from the northwest coming up and picking up moisture and moving across parts of new york and new england, but it will not impact anyone, not any major accumulation. we have that a little bit of moisture there and for the rest of us, a bit of an influence of high pressure. the high is bringing in the clockwise flow and the northwest wind as it starts to move in. as it starts to dim around our state. the clockwise flow allows warmer air to move in. we start to shoot back up into the 60s and 70 degrees range. so, the way it shapes with the sunrise today, 7:24. all of these times will change by 1 hour after we get into tomorrow with daylight saving time in effect. a small craft advisory in effect until 1:00 p.m. so, today going up to 46
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degrees. again, our normal high is 50 and a breezy day, but with a full day of sunshine. clear and chilly tonight. 28 degrees. 62 tomorrow, there is the warmup, mostly sunny and warmer than today. remember, daylight savings time begins tomorrow. we'll call it 2:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. or tonight, if you would like, but today, 46 degrees is the headline. the five-day forecast, first warning weather is coming up. all right. still ahead on eyewitness news saturday morning -- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to eyewitness news on this saturday morning, march the 10th, 2012. we're looking at a calm start to a chilly and sunny day.
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seasonably chilly the temperature business through the normal high. the normal high is 50 degrees. we are topping around 46. the mid to upper 40s. we want to remind you that tonight and into tomorrow, the beginning of daylight saving time. tomorrow morning at 2:00 a.m. the clocks spring forward. you lose an hour of sleep and gain an hour of sun light. so, remember that before you go to bed and change the batteries in your emergency detectors in your home. 62 degrees. tomorrow, 68 today and 71 on tuesday and 72 on wednesday as we head into the last full week of winter. spring begins in two tuesdays on the 20th of this month. first warning weather forecast is coming up. >> thanks, tim. first the stories people are talking about. tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of the japanese tsunami and earthquake and many are struggling to rebuild.
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the government has declared several areas as tsunami risk areas. so, no items can be built there. nearly 20,000 people lost their lives in that disaster. a bizarre chase caught on video in albuquerque, new mexico. the suspect stole a school bus, rammed a police car and got out onto the independent state. they had to use spike strips to bring the bus to the stop. the suspect was shot three times. doctors are saying that he should recover. this is an unbelievable story of survival. a missing hiker found in new mexico, along with the a pet who never left her side. margaret page reporting live, went missing a month ago in the national forest. rescuers found her with her pet cat. the 41-year-old said that she drank walter from a creek, but
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ran out of food a week ago. they were malnourished but will make a recovery. the house made famous by the 1990 blockbuster home alone is off of the market. it sold by $1.6 million. the most recognizable feature is the stair case that kevin sat on and tormented the burglars. the movie grossed $477 million when it came out. >> i wonder how much the owners got from the movie? but we looked at the house yesterday. the one thing that is up graded, guess -- >> the staircase. >> the kitchen. you can not live with the 1980s kitchen. >> kitchen and bathrooms. >> man, joe peggy i don't see him much anymore. goodfellow. coming up on eyewitness news -- saturday morning. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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today, we're going up to 46 degrees. tomorrow, 62. that's the range that we stay in. 68 on monday. 71, 72 and 72 on tuesday, wednesday and thursday. sometimes it takes help to cross the finish line on the race. >> that is what some students
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at a baltimore bear school when they get this weekend. >> it is not the first time that students have teamed up with athletes to win. >> go! >> at the bear school in west baltimore, it is easy to root for the runners and forget about the wheelchairs along the wall, that's what teens want. it is about crossing the finish line here. so much so that barrel students plan to run in another race this weekend. the shamrock 5k. >> it is just fun to be out there. >> it is all through the help of athletes serving athletes. david started the group six years ago. since then he partner would schools to get special needs students. >> it takes a lot of work. >> one of the students is 13- year-old james. they started racing five years ago. so far, five marathons and a
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half dozen triathlonsed to. on sunday they will run again. >> how excited are you? >> these opportunities would not be accessible to them without athletes serving athletes. >> amanda is james' teacher, she races with students, too. >> you can see how it helps them become more confident and independent. >> about 5 students will compete in this weekend was a shamrock race. the training started two weeks ago. it is tough. >> when you go over the finish line, what does it feel like? >> oh, athletes serving athletes have several races coming up. if you would like to run with students or have a special needs child who would like to run, there is a list of races at click on news. all right. still to come on eyewitness news saturday morning -- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to eyewitness news saturday morning. i'm gigi barnett. >> i'm tim williams. at the bottom of the hour now on this march the tending. it is just around 32 degrees. so, a pretty chilly start to the day. calm as well. a lot of sunshine. despite the sunshine we won't get to normal highs. but we'll be close. close. it will be a computerfortable day. northwest winds will keep it cool today. then we start the shoot up as the winds change tomorrowment 46 degrees today. the normal high is 50. so, a little below that. breezy and chilly with sunshine tonight. 48 degrees and clear. this is where the shoot up starts. 62 degrees tomorrow. sunny to mostly sunny and,
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mostly warm, warmer than today. we'll talk about how warm it got. it gets spring-like through the weakening coming up. >> thank you, tim. first, here is what people will talk about today. cops are getting louder for anne arundel county john leopold to step down. eyewitness news sunshines to investigate the case, as mike hellgren explains. >> reporter: firefighter and police unions in anne arundel county, over wellmly voted they have no confidence in their leadership days after the 75ing misconduct inditement against county executive, john leopold, and citizens are fed up, too, that leopold's security detail was driving him to sexual encounters and keeping tabs on lovers and political opponents. >> i lived in this county for many years and losing faith in our elected officials time and
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time again. not just an elected office, a grown adult man, a grown adult person needs to have a cold of behavior that doesn't include having sex in a parking lot. >> reporter: but leopold is unfazed. his office sent eyewitness news picture of him on the job. business as usual. and the chiefs are done an excellent job of maintaining public safety despite fiscal challenges and they will continue to do so with the inside nothing county will live within its means. he does have supporters. >> he should be given this day in court. they want him to resign, it is a lot of petty stuff going on. >> the rhetoric from union heads is harsh. >> it he is a failed leader from anne arundel county. >> he doesn't have the moral authority to do this job. >> reporter: but mr. leopold has no intention of stepping down. legal experts are telling us that fighting an inditement can
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be distracting and emotionally draining, but there is precedent staying in office, that's what mayor sheila dixon did. mike hellgren, eyewitness news. >> and leopold is scheduled to be in court for an arraignment later on this month. former prince george's county council member is waking up behind bars this morning. leslie johnson started serving her one year and one day sentence yesterday. he was convicted of stopping an investigation involving her husband. he is jack johnson and jack johnson starts serving his seven year prison stint last month. it is a sky high h.i.v. rate. alarming new numbers from a johns homcon study is showing that baltimore is a hot spot for the virus that causes a.i.d.s. meghan with more. >> reporter: good morning. the numbers surprised even the researchers.
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the most venerable population here in baltimore, black women. the study conducted by junes hopkins researchers. finds the number of new h.i.v. cases in baltimore is five times higher than cdc estimates for urban black women nationwide. doctors are calling baltimore a h.i.v. hot spot with five other cities on the east coast. levelry has been living with h.i.v. since 1995. >> i had to make a decision to either live or die. >> reporter: now he serves as a patient advocate. most people fear knowing their h.i.v. status. >> we need to ken courage each other to get tested. >> reporter: that's what a baltimore city task force is doing. they aim the cut the infection by 25 people over the next three years. >> every one should be screened we're trying to help those get it done. >> reporter: the health department is making screenings easier than ever and mobile clinics reaching neighborhoods. >> we do outreach in the van,
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six night as week, one night a week. we work on the block one night a week. needle exchanges out. >> people are taking advantage. >> it is good to get tested. boffs people are walking around. >> reporter: the testing could help the numbers start to go down. h.i.v. screening through the health department is free. the department says that they screen more than 4500 women last year. meghan mccorkell, eyewitness news. >> the chief investigator in the study is sage that more safe sex counciling is needed. a second pit bull is found badly injured in north, northern anne arundel county. it sparks fears that there is a dogfighting ring in that area. well, the pit bull named princess was found wondering near the highway in brooklyn last week. another injured pit bull was found in the same area just a month ago. animal control workers are saying that both of their injuries show that they were in
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organized dogfights. >> they were unfortunately a victim of people either using them for fightingorally using them as baited to train fighting dogs. >> this morning doctors are saying that princess is doing well. she will go to the anne arundel county spca. the other pit bull is heading to a local rescue. >> if you have information, call metro crimestoppers. baltimore police make a major bust in a gun ring in their quest to get illegal weapons off of the streets. detectives arrested three people after seizing a cash of weapons from their home and storage units. 16 guns, ammunition, cocaine and bulletproof vests. it is a collection that would have bought in $30,000 on the streets. now, police will go after similar gun rings this weekend. an altercation involving a flight attendant forces an
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american airlines plane back to the gate at dallas-ft. worth. the passengers said that the female flight attendant was ranting over the loudspeaker. >> reporter: passengers onboard american airlines flight, 2232 took out their cell phones and started recording. a flight attendant had an apparent breakdown when the plane was still taxiing on the runway at dallas-ft. worth. >> ladies and gentlemen, we're trying to deal with the situation. >> passengers are saying that flight attendant ranted about the plane crashing. >> saying she would not be responsible. >> several passengers helped to restrain the flight attendant and calm her down. >> she was in a magic state. she said that he was bipolar. >> the captain returned the plane to the gate, where police boarded and handcuffed the
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flight attendant. she and another crew member were taken to a nearby hospital. >> i think the situation would have been out of control if we were in the air. >> reporter: it is not the first time a crew member caused a disruption. steven slater's outburst reached status in 2010. he exchanged words with a passenger. then grabbed two beams and made an exit down the plane's emergency shoots. >> at the end of the day, i'm a grown adult and must accept responsibilities. >> he struck a plea deal to avoid jail time. there were no charges in friday's incident. the flight took off about an hour and 15 minutes late. >> american airlines says that at no point were passengers in danger. the search continues in montgomery county for the driver responsible for the crash that killed a young
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mother. garcia was killed on wednesday after her vehicle flipped over. police are saying that two cars were racing and one changed lanes the same times a garcia. anyone with information about the accident is asked to contact police. well, it is more bad news for a washington, d.c. metro system. metro officials have known for six years that some of the agency's rail cars have brake parts that fail sooner than expected. thosis brakes were not replaced because of lack of money. the problem gained attention in december, when a brake part full from a train causing damage to two cars. a campaign to start an african warlord from kidnapping and killing children is the most viral video ever to hit the internet. mary bubala has more on the coney 2012. >> reporter: jason russell
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posted coney 2012 four days ago. it has viewed 56 million times. >> the only purpose is to stop the rebel group. >> the african warlord is accused of kidnapping 30,000 children, mainly in uganda, russal and his charity are on a mission, because of a prompting he made to a 12-year-old boy. so, they posted the video on youtube and picked 20 celebrities to spread the word. >> the strategy is brilliant. i hope it can be used for other human rights. >> reporter: and some are questioning america's attention span. if this video is a span. children is being criticized on the money it spends on marketing. >> we should not look a gift horse in the mouth. >> reporter: it group has been successful.
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100 troops are on the ground right now going after coney. that, along with the attention of millions of young people in america will make a difference. >> now having civilized world children be so upset about it. this will have a big impact. >> the technology that has brought our planet together is allowing us to respond to the problem of our friends. >> ther group is trying to make joseph kony famous. because people have to know him, to know what he has done. mary bubala, eyewitness news. >> wow. interesting. well, some in uganda are criticizing the video for oversimplifying africa's longest running conflict. maryland zoo welcomes two new adorable addition. jack and nutmeg.
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they were born 2 1/2 months ago. they are missing the black and while coloring, that will not appear until next spring. 52 call the zoo home. >> all right. >> 52, we have happy feet. >> right in maryland. and the weather will support that today. >> yet, the penguins and the polar bears don't know what to make. >> we don't either. >> sprig is a week and a few days away. we're still dealing with 50s. 60s. 70s. that is nice. that is nice. 32 degrees right now. a chilly start to the day. it is breezy right now. small craft advisories in effect until 1:00 and then they are lifted. an indication that the winds will dial down today. northwesterly winds at 6 miles per hour now. high pressure is solidly in control of our forecast.
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30.47 is the barometer reading. across the state. 31 on the shore. 18 is the cold spot towards oakland. around the immediate metro area. 12 on kent island. those winds from the northwest are coming in, ranging from 5 to 6 miles per hour, up to ability, up to about 12 miles per hour. down around -- the river and easton, but that northwest flow is around high pressure. so, we get the sunshine and the dry conditions. but we also, until the my starts to move to the south and southeast, we're going to get the flow around it, which will bring us the northwest wind. the northwest wind is responsible for lake affect snow around new york, but we're getting the positive results. drier conditions means not much cloud cover. the high is to the northwest and it will eels off to the
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south and southeast. as it does, again, the flow around it continues to bring in the air from reserve wherever it is moving. so, clockwise flow brings in the warmer air to the south offshore, that's the position it stays in for the majority of the week headed into tomorrow and through the week. it warms up nicely. the sunset today is at 7:10. the next high side at 7:47. all of the times change by one hour tomorrow. keep in mind that daylight saving times begins tonight. we'll go down to 28 degrees tonight. cold. 62 tomorrow, mostly sunny and warmer than today. daylight savings time begins tomorrow at 2:00 a.m. again, we will continue to remind you to change the batteries in the smoke detecters for the next five days temperatures going up to 68 on monday.
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71, 72 and 70 for tuesday, wednesday and thursday. >> nice. >> nice. still to come on eyewitness news saturday morning -- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to eyewitness news saturday morning. a place that we want to be at 6:47. it is 32 degrees and chilly in baltimore. well, january's ataliage cruise accident ship has taken a major toll on the carnal vehicle corporation's wallet. the owners of the coasta concordia reported a loss in the first fiscal part of this year. the ship capsized killing 25 people. the captain is under house arrest. the two teens that stole a box of money from a group of girl scouts in texas is under arrest. the 18-year-old and a juvenile
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robbed the troop why they were selling cookies in front of a walmart last weekend. thanks to description and surveillance video, police were able to track the suspects down. the twosomes will facing a ruivated robbery charges. caught on video. a man leads police on a chase and georgia and trying running away from them wearing his birthday suit. look at this. plus are trying to get the driver of this van to spot, but instead of pulling over, he jumps out of the vehicle naked and tryings the make a run for it. the van cashes into the river. the driver took off after they found him sleeping naked in his van. he was caught and charged with numerous felonies. well, one fourth grader brings new meaning to the phrase cabbage patch kid in
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ohio. the weighs 2 pounds, but this student grew one weighing nearly 40. to student won a college scholarships, thanks to a vegetable gardening initiative. all right. well. >> 40-pound cabbage is a lot of coleslaw. >> for st. patrick's day. still to come on eyewitness news saturday morning -- ,,,,,,
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♪ [ female announcer ] gross -- i'll tell you what's really gross: used dishcloths. they can have a history that they drag around with them. for a cleaner way to clean try bounty extra soft. in this lab demo, one sheet of bounty extra soft leaves this surface 3 times cleaner than a dishcloth.
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it's super durable too. it's the cleaner way to clean. bring it with bounty extra soft. in the pink pack. and try bounty napkins. in just a few week as small maryland town will host
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international vips. >> weijia jiang has more from downtown thurmont. >> people who live here in the small town of thurmont take pride in their hospitality, now they are scrambling to welcome the world's most powerful leaders. thurmont locals call their town sleepily. >> it is a wonderful place. we usually have a population of 5,000 people. >> reporter: but this week the white house made a stunning announcement, to the free throwing discussion the president is inviting the leaders to camp david. two months out, the main street manager is rushing to get ready. >> we may have some kind of a special breakfast for them. they can stop in and then have direction where they can walk around and visit with our businesses. >> the 38th g-8 summit was supposed to take place in the president's hometown of chicago.
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but the threat chicago occupiers may have forced the meeting to what the president call as laid-back atmosphere. >> the mountains of fredrick county is a way to get away. >> for business owners, the decision makes an unexpected boost. members of the international press corps have booked up all of the rooms. >> we're proud to host. everybody in town is not going to say they are not. >> reporter: weijia jiang, eyewitness news. >> the town of 30 mon will add extra security during the summit. camp david is one of the most secure retreats on earth. when we come back, the five- day forecast first warning weather. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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we're going to 46 degrees today. 52 tomorrow. 68 on monday.
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71, 72 and 70 on tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. that's the first hour of our eyewitness news show. another hour is coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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good morning. coming up next on eyewitness news. no confidence in anne arundel county leadership. more on what expert john leopold's critics are saying now. good morning. i'm meghan mccorkell. an alarming new study is showing a rapid increase in new h.i.v. cases here in baltimore city. coming up what the health department is doing about it. plus the war of words. jada pinkett-smith and stephanie rawlings-blake continue their words on how elephants are being cared for. and taking look outside. what does mother nature have up her sleeve this saturday? tim williams has the answer in his first warning weather forecast. good morning. on where to expect the unexpected? as eyewitness news continues.
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good morning. welcome back to -- eyewitness news saturday morning. it is 7:01. i'm gigi barnett. i'm tim williams. it is saturday, march the 10th. we have a nice day out there. it is breezy out there. it will be a nice week ahead if you like spring-like temperatures. we're heading into the last full week of winter and spring is literally right around the corner. well, fig rulatively. so, right now, the temperatures are a little bit cool. 46 degrees today and a little below the average of 50 degrees today. breezy is chilly. tonight, 28 degrees and tomorrow, 62 degrees. mostly sunny. warmer than today. this is one of the coolest days
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of the week. we'll talk about how the shames up in your first warning weather forecast. >> thanks, tim. calls are getting louder for anne arundel county executive john leopold to step down. eyewitness news continue to investigate the case. now, as mike hellgren explains more want him out of office. no audio. >> i have lived in this county for many years and losing faith in our elected officials, not just an elected official, but
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grown adult man, a grown adult person needs to have a code of behavior. that doesn't include having sex in a parking lot. >> reporter: but leopold appears unfazed. his office sent eyewitness news a picture of him on the job, business as usual. he said that the chiefs have done an excellent job of maintaining public safety despite the fiscal challenges, and they will continue to do so. and the county executive does have his supporters. >> i think they should give him his day in court. they want him to resign. a lot of petty stuff is going on. >> rhetoric from union heads is harsh. >> he is a failed leader of anne arundel county. >> he doesn't have the moral authority any longer. >> reporter: but mr. leopold has no intention of stepping down. legal experts telling that fighting an inditement can be distracting and emotionally draining, but there is
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precedent for staying in office, that's what sheila dixon did. mike hellgren, eyewitness news. >> thank you. well, leopold is scheduled to be in court later on this mong. baltimore police make a major bust in a gun ring to get illegal weapons off of the street. detectives arrested three people after seizing 16 guns, ammunition, cocaine and bulletproof vests it is a collection that would have brought in $30,000 on the streets. growing fears of a dogfighting ring in northern anne arundel county. detectives found a second badly injured pit bull a few miles from where another dog nearly died last month. now, the investigation is underway. andrea fujii with the story. >> reporter: despite bite
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marks and the gaming wound, princess cannot stop kissing williams when he found her last week. >> she's the sweetest dog you will ever meet. she did not mind one bit to clean her. >> reporter: she was wondering near the highway and 11th avenue in brooklyn park, about 5 miles from where another injured pit bull was found. animal control says both their injuries show they were in organized dog fights. >> they were about fortunately a victim of people either using them for fighting or using them as bait to train fighting dogs. >> reporter: animal control is saying that dog fighters can be secretive. so, they're asking people in the area to keep an eye out. residents stay they will. >> i can't imagine people letting dogs to fight at this stage. with michael vick it is pretty bad. >> it is sad to have animals done like that. >> and doctors are saying
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princess will recover. a relief for steven williams who says that she is a fighter, but not against other dogs. >> she would look at you with trust in her eyes. she trusted us. >> reporter: andrea fujii, eyewitness news. >> police are saying if you have information on the cases call metro crimestoppers. a furniture store is ordered to pay a maryland family a quarter million dollars for in ning their home with bedbugs. the anne arundel county mom found the births in her son's beds. "the baltimore sun" is saying that the jury ordered the store who sold the beds the pay the family $225,000 for her boy's medical problems. it is a sky shy h.i.v. rate. alarming new numbers released from john hopkins study show that baltimore is a hotspot for the virus that causes a.i.d.s.
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meghan with the latest. >> reporter: good morning. those numbers surprised even the researchers. they are saying the most venerable population here in baltimore, black women. the study conducted by johns hopkins researchers finds the number of h.i.v. cases in baltimore is five times higher than cdc estimates for urban black women nationwide. john hopkins calling baltimore a h.i.v. hot spot with five cities on the east coast. henry has been living with h.i.v. since 1995. >> i had to make a decision to live or die. >> reporter: snow she serves as a patient advocate at johns hopkin. saying that most people fear knowing their status. >> we need to encourage each other to get tested. >> reporter: that's what a baltimore city task force is averaging to do. >> everyone should be screened. we're trying to help those get that done. >> reporter: the health
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department is making screenings easier than ever with mobile clinics. >> we do outreach in the van, six night as week. five night as week. we work on the block one night a week. >> reporter: people are taking vantage. >> it is good to get tested. because people are walking around, just having sex with anybody. >> that testing could help the numbers start to go down. h.i.v. screening through the health department is free. they screened 4500 women last year. meghan mccorkell, eyewitness news. >> thank you. well, the chief investigator in the study is saying more safe sex counseling is needed. big names are standing from another cause in maryland. that's legalizing medical marijuana. the house of delegates is considered a bill in annapolis right now. patients and advocates like montel williams are saying that
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marijuana helps him deal with crippling pain. >> my mom is here right now, she is in the hospital this minute. this is an issue, it bothers me, because where this already passed, this could be helping my mother. >> and the state health department and the governor do not support the bill. the governor says that he will veto it. another blow in the war of words between jada pinkett- smith and stephanie rawlings- blake. the actress wants the mayor to monitor elephant care, but rawlins blake is questioning jada's authority. >> reporter: now, jada pinkett- smith has real star power, snow -- now, she is trying to correct animal cruelty. the use of bull hooks or prods on elephants. ringling bros.
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circus is coming to town later this month. so, he wrote the mayor. the mayor responded. >> we have reached out about homelessness. school issues. i would have loved to -- you know, gotten feedback and support or concern about those issues that are very pressing. >> reporter: news traveled fast and today the will and jada smithtownidation fired back another later. another -- letter. the letter was sent today. so far, no response from the mayor. denise koch, eyewitness news. >> animal rights advocates have just stage prod tests that circus performances in charleston and atlanta.
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ringling bros. saying that all of their animals are cared for. a seal is spending its break here in baltimore. the harm seal is normally found in the arctic and the north atlantic. it was seen here yesterday. it is rare to find a see in the bay. they normally swim along the coastline. we also have a manatee. >> yes. >> so, he appears once a year. >> they are hanging out. >> yeah. our friendly visitor as well. >> mammals gone wild. spring break 2012. so, every one is hanging out here. the weather is so warm. why go south. stay in baltimore, hang out at the inner harbor. it is nice, today it is chilly, but sunny, it will not hinder your outdoor plans. starting out at 32 it is cold. the normal high right now is just around 50 degrees. the normal low, the overnight a
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lot is around 39. i would have to check the overnight low. we have been going out, i believe the low is around 32 as a matter of fact. 52. so there are your specifics there. right now, 32 degrees at bwi marshall. 42 is the dew point. the air is dry out there. the winds from the northwest at 6 miles per hour. today temperatures look like this. 24 in oakland. 31 in cumberland and 32 on the shore as well. 35 in washington and around the metro, 32 in columbia. winds are -- gusty -- down around washington, d.c., over towards easton and around the river. in the double-digits there. 12 mile-per-hour winds up in elkton. lighter winds -- everywhere else. it is coming around high pressure that is bringing us
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dry condition. the eastern sea board back to the midwest is experiencing the dome of high pressure. just a little bit of lake affect snow around new york. it is the northwest wind picking up moisture around the great lakes. that is giving them that. not much of precipitation in our region. the high is to the northwest and moving across the ohio valley to the south of the state. with the clockwise flow it is going to start pushing in warmer air. so, that starts to get funneled in here as early as tomorrow. tomorrow in the 60s. that's the coolest day of the week. so, we want to remind you as well. looking at the times. your sun saturday is at 7:10. 46 degrees today. breezy and chilly with a full day of sunshine. 28 degrees tonight. just healthing this, 2:00 tomorrow morning begins day
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light saving time. you spring ahead and lose an hour of sleep, but gain an hour of sunshine. >> if i had to pick, i would take the hour of sleep. >> you think so? >> you can keep your sunshine. >> make sure that the chair is not empty tomorrow. i don't want to be sitting here by myself. >> i'll be here. still ahead on eyewitness news saturday morning -- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to eyewitness news on this saturday, march the 20th. 2012. a gorgeous start the day.
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chilly, but a crisp day. the high is 52, 32 as the low. we will be on together for the overnight low. 32 degrees right now. going up today, but a little bit below that daytime high, not getting to 52 degrees. we want to remind you that tonight into tomorrow morning the time to set your clocks ahead one hour. day light savings time. we spring ulheld and lose that hour of sleep. so, you want to be on time tomorrow. so, set that clock ahead. tomorrow in the 30s. 46 degrees. clear on through the day. with hardly any clouds anywhere. 62 tomorrow, 68 on monday, 71, 70 and 72 on tuesday, wednesday and thursday, your first warning weather forecast is coming up. >> thanks, tim. now back to the other top stories of the day. tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of the japanese somali and earthquake and many
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are still struggling to rebuild. the government has dozens of the villages at tsunami risk areas. that means no new construction can go on there. tomorrow there will be emergency drills across tokyo. 20,000 people lost their lives in that disaster. it is a bizarre chaste caught on video in al luquirky, new mexico, the suspect stole a school bus, rammed a police car and got out into the informant state. the police officers used spikes strips to bring the bus to the stop. the suspect refused to get out, they shot him three times. the house made famous by the 1990 blockbuster home alone is off of the market. it sold for $1.6 million. the most recognizable feature is the staircase. the movie grossed $477 million
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when it was made back in -- well, 1990. you're talking 22 years ago. >> i wonder how many hands that house changed through. is it the original owners? >> i wonder. >> from the film. >> a big house. >> it's a big house. well, there is a new play coming to town. it is being done by the baltimore improv group. >> we are live with more on the show. good morning. alex. >> well, good morning. when most of us go to a play, we go expecting to see what we're signing up for. in the cases the place might be familiar that we know the lines. but there is a production underway that is unusual and some of the principle plays with us now. it is cathy and matt. tell us about the production, what makes it unique? >> well, it is just like a real play, except for two acts, for about 45 minutes each act, we don't co what we're going to say or do.
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so, we really have to react to what we're giving and move a plot forward. >> how difficult is that to pull-off? >> not as difficult. the audience gives the input. we go with it. the director has been great throughout. gave us the tools to perform this. >> obviously, there must be a preparation. you not just totally wing it. >> very true, we use exercises and have tools that we use and kind of like hone to make this possible. there are tools to move a scene forward, or move the plot forward. there is tools to make corrections with people or break corrections with people. so, you use those in addition to using your other actors and kind of using what they're giving you. >> matt, when can people see
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this? >> tonight 8:00, here at mob town. also next friday and saturday, 8:00 at mob town as well. >> break a leg, our both legs. thank you very much. >> okay. if you want to trial your hand at it, come down here and provide a from or maybe jump up on stage. >> all right. we do it every day with on set, alex. >> all right. alex, thank you very much. we will check back in 20 minutes. alex demetrick is reporting live. all right. still to come on eyewitness news saturday morning -- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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♪ [ female announcer ] gross -- i'll tell you what's really gross: used dishcloths. they can have a history that they drag around with them. for a cleaner way to clean try bounty extra soft. in this lab demo, one sheet of bounty extra soft
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leaves this surface 3 times cleaner than a dishcloth. it's super durable too. it's the cleaner way to clean. bring it with bounty extra soft. in the pink pack. and try bounty napkins. well, today is starting off around freezing with sunshine. a light wind and small craft advisory on bay. 46 degrees today. 62 tomorrow. then 68 on monday. then stay in the 70s from tuesday through thursday. >> well, they are creepy and they are cookie -- now, they are getting ready to dazzle audiences in baltimore. >> mary bubala takes us behind- the-scenes of the "addams family" musical at the hippodrome. ♪[ music ] >> the canadas have familiar to generations of americans. some introduceed to them through the popular mid-60s
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television snow. others at the '90 movie. ahead of the "addams family." >> we have an opportunity for parents to open up to their children a world that they fell in love with of the "addams family." the kids can really enjoy it. >> as an audience member you are getting this wonderful experience of escape and going into their cookie world. at the same time, they are very relate laitable. relatable. >> reporter: it was created by the jersey boys writer. the "addams family" features the original story, different from the broadway version. wednesday falls in love with a boy from a respectable family and confides in her father. >> every one is struggling with the same thing of finding love,
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keeping love and nurturing love, 20 dot -- between daughter and father or husband and wife. ♪[ music ] >> mary bubala, eyewitness news. >> the "addams family" is still at the hippodrome through march 18th. >> tickets are still availment. >> did you like the "addams family." >> i did like to "addams family." >> i thought they were funny. >> loved it. all right. coming up next on eyewitness news saturday morning -- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to eyewitness news saturday morning. it is 7:31. i'm gigi barnett. >> i'm tim williams.
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just around 32 degrees across the area. we have some colder spots out towards the west, but average, every one is around freezing. 46 degrees today, that is our daytime high. breezy and chilly. 28 degrees tonight. we do warmup starting tomorrow. we'll have your complete five- day forecast first warning weather forecast coming up. 70s heading into the week ahead. >> thank you, tim. now, here's what people will talk about today. calls are getting louder for anne arundel county executive john leopold to step down. eyewitness news continues to investigate. as mike hellgren explains, police and firefighters want the county leader out of office. >> reporter: firefighter and police unions voted they have no confidence in their leadership days after the misconduct inditement against county executiveb, john leopold. some citizens are fed up, too. after the state prosecutor's allegations that leopold's security detail was driving him
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to sexual encounters and keeping tabs on his lovers and political opponents. >> and are lovinged in this county for many years. i'm losing faith in our elected officials time and time again. not just an elected office, but a grown adult man, a grown adult person needs to have a code of behavior. that doesn't include having sex in a parking lot. >> reporter: but leopold is unfazed. his office sent eyewitness news a picture of him on-the-job, business as usual and on the no confident vote. leopold said that the chiefs have done an excellent job of maintaining public safety with fiscal challenges. the county executive does have his supporters. >> i think she should by giver -- he should be given his day in court. they want him to resign. >> reporter: the rhetoric from union heads is harsh. >> he is a failed leader of anne arundel county. it is time for him to step
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ahead. >> he doesn't have the moral authority any longer. >> reporter: but mr. lupold has no intention of stepping down. legal experts are saying that fighting an inditement can be distracting and draining, but there is precedents for staying in office, that's what sheila dixon could. mike hellgren, eyewitness news. >> thank you, mike. leopold is scheduled to be in court this month. a former prince georges county councilman is waking up behind bars. leslie johnson started serving her one year and one day sentence yesterday. she was convicting of stopping a investigation that involved her husband, jack johnson. he began serving his seven year prison stint last month. a sky high h.i.v. rate. baltimore is a hotspot for the
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virus that causes a.i.d.s. meghan mccorkell explains. >> reporter: good morning. those numbers surprised eve then researchers. that risaying the most venerable population here in baltimore, black women. the study cup ducted by johns hopkins researchers finds the number of new h.i.v. cases in baltimore is five times higher than cdc estimates for black women nationwide. doctors are calling baltimore a h.i.v. hot spot with five other cities on the east coast. henry has been living with h.i.v. since 1995. >> i had to make a decision to enter live or -- or die. >> reporter: now, she serves as a patient advocate for johns hopkinss and most people fear knowing their h.i.v. status. >> we need to ken urage others to get tested. >> student: that's what a baltimore task force is aiming to do, cut infects by 25%. >> everyone should be screened.
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we're trying to help those get it done. >> reporter: the health department is making screenings easier than others with mobile clinics. >> we do outreach in the vans six days a week. five nights a week. we work on the block and have needal exchange vans. >> reporter: people are taking advantage. >> it is good to get tested. because people are walking around, just having sex with anybody. >> reporter: that testing could help the numbers start to go down. h.i.v. screenings throughout the health company is free. the department is saying that they screen 4500 women last year. meghan mccorkell, eyewitness news. >> thank you very much. well, the chief investigator in the study is saying more safe sex counseling is needed. a second pitted bull is found baldly yesterday in northern rear. sparking fears there is a dogfighting ring in the area. the dog named princess was found wondering last week.
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another injured pit bull was found in the same area a month ago. animal control workers are saying both of their injuries show that they were in organized dogfights. >> they were about fortunately, a victim of people either using them for fighting or as bait to train fighting dogs. anyone with information about the cases is asked to call metro crimestoppers. the search continues in montgomery county for the driver responsible for the crash that killed a young mother. 31-year-old garcia was killed on wednesday after her vehicle flipped over on randolph road. two cars were racing and one with of them changed lanes at the same time that garcia
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changed lanes. anyone with information about the accident is asked to call police. the orioles start their spring training with an eye of stopping a long losing season. eyewitness news is with the orioles spring training in sarasota. mark is saying that the orioles are practicing the power of positive thinking. >> reporter: well, there is sun here in sarasota, that is symbolic of the optimism that every teach feels during spring training, but for some os fans, it might be hard to see blocked by the dark cloud of loosing seasons. finally, straight seasons without a winning record. it is the second longest losing streak of pro sports. only the pirates have suffered longer, but for the orioles, the past cannot be part of the repoperation for 2012. they are looking ahead. >> it is a new year.
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anything can happen. it is not good to live on the negative stuff. you have to look to the future. hopefully, we can put really good winning season together and end all of that negative talk. >> i think that we have a good group of guys. it takes a couple of people to over achieve. we're there. we have a good group of guys in here. we play together and smart. >> it is an unproven staff and young staff. if we stick together and have fun. you know, good things and happen. >> the orioles take seriously the power of positive thinking. they have hired a sports psychologist, hoping that a change of their state of mind changes how they play on the field. mark viviano, eyewitness news. >> all right. let's hope. well, the orioles and the rays ended their game yesterday in a 3-3 tie in 10 innings.
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don't miss out on easy way to save money when it comes to your home this winter. mary bubala has ideas on how you can be an energy saver. >> good morning. today's energy saver focuses on electrical outlets on exterior walls. cold air and seep into your home through these. takeoff the cover plates and check the space around the outside of the box. you can buy special pads designed to fit under the cover plates to reduce the amount of cold air coming inside this winter. mary bubala, eyewitness news. all right. ten days left of winter. for more information how you can be an energy saver go to well, the maryland zoo in baltimore welcomes two new adorable additions, meet jack
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and nut nutmeg. they were born 2 1/2 months ago. 52 penguins call the zoo home. >> 52 and growing. >> yes. the reporter in the penguin world, he liked the microphone. >> all right. well, ten days, as you mentioned. >> ten days, two or three weeks. how many days? >> it is hard to believe that we're close. even though winner is so mild. it has, by all accounts been mild. it is hard to believe that we're only ten days away from spring. >> you are in february, march and january. >> it is here, we spring ahead tonight and tomorrow. so, we want to remind you, in a few minutes remind you that tonight and tomorrow we go into daylight's saving time. so, we spring ahead. so, change all of your batteries in your detecters. that happens tonight. >> a trade-off. >> it is a trade-off.
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>> we will take it considering with the temperatures are headed this week. temperatures that are very, very spring-like. 32 degrees at bwi marshall. temperatures around the area, averaging just around 32 degrees. we have cooler temperatures out to the west. we have a little bit warmer temperature down to the south. then around the immediate metro the same type of range. we're leveling out in the middle of the state. winds from the northwest are heaviest -- more breezy i should say, strong down towards washington, d.c. easton and the river. we have a 12 mile-per-hour wind, but this direction is coming in from the northwest, it is around the high pressure in control. it is just off to the northwest
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and it is also responsible for just a little bit of lake affect snow up near new england and new york. we're going to see the dome of high pressure dominating the forecast for a next few days. we don't have a significant chance of precipitation until the end of the week when another front comes through from the west. right now the high is around the ohio river valley and moving to the south of the state. as the moves away. the clockwise flow is going to funthal warmer air in. that means that we go up to the 70s. the sunset today is at 7:10. small craft advisory in effect. so, today we're going up to 46 degrees. we'll call it chilly. the normal high is 52. so, a little bit below that. 28 degrees tonight. then for tomorrow, 62 degrees. mostly sunny and warmer. again, daylight savings time resumes tomorrow morning at 2:00 a.m.
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just set your clock ahead for one hour. today 46. then going into the 70s. 68 on monday, 71, 72 and 70 on tuesday, wednesday and thursday. >> all right. still to come on eyewitness news -- ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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welcome back to eyewitness news saturday morning. a live look over baltimore's inner harbor. 7:46. it is 32 degrees. chill heal -- chilly and clear. if you like improve -- improve, there is a new play in town. >> it is called unscripted and a big group is putting it on. alex demetrick is live with thes in the play. good morning to you. alex. >> reporter: well, good morning, tim and gigi.
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yes. it is unscripted, that means that nothing is planned out. joining me now are a couple of pigs of the group, cathy and matt. so, what do you do to make this work? >> yes. any input, any word that comes to mind. we will do a scene based on that. this is a tool in the shows. >> all right. we can use this right now, coffee. >> honey? >> yes? >> why did you break the coffee maker. >> i didn't break the coffee maker. i was trying to use it, it was not working right. i through it down the stairs. >> you like to throw things down the stairs. >> it is a problem. >> it is a problem that you think that. >> you have milk and eggs. you throw tvs. >> i throw windows because it feels good. it doesn't mean anything. >> we have a couch i can't live like this anymore. it is like living with the cat. i don't love you.
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>> god. so, i mean, what are you trying to say? >> my insurance won't cover our marriage. >> i guess you're right. it was doomed in the first place. all that we have left now is -- >> a broken coffee maker. >> some broken windows, broken dreams. >> it's just broke. >> everything. everything is broken. >> all well. >> reporter: well, that was night and light, thank you very much and your production is tonight? >> tonight at 8:00. >> and again when? >> next week, friday and saturday, 8:00 also and we also have a, a college show that is other troops from big -- on thursday night here at 8:00.
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>> well, thank you very much. good luck with your show. >> reporter: so, tim and gigi back to you. >> all right. thank you very much. >> just when we thought we had gotten away from our weekday newsroom. still ahead on eyewitness news saturday morning -- ,,,,,,,
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we don't know who peyton
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manning will sign with, but he know about his injuries this morning. >> yes. dr. bill is here to talk about the surgeries that peyton manning had to endure. good morning. >> good morning. >> so, did the football injury call manning's neck problems? >> probably, but not for sure. because it can happen to anybody. it can happen to you or me, but probably it was football. >> okay. so, tell us what it is? >> everything about it. >> well what started out, look at the models that came from parks at the hospital. >> okay. >> , and they showed exactly. here we have a normal -- disk between the bones of the neck. over here, as you can see, we have a slipped disk. it is pressing on the nerve. now, this nerve controls the triceps. the back of the arm. >> right. >> now it is hard to through.
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this was causing a palsy, a weakness of the triceps. >> okay. >> so, manning had these op-- three operations. what did they do first? >> they started off. they didn't want to do too much. so, they operated in the back and cleaned this area up to take the pressure off of the nerve. that's how they started. that was in march of 2010. >> okay. >> that didn't work well. so, they cleaned it up again. >> and a third surgery. >> and it didn't work. so, they decided to replace the whole disk. so, this time they went in from the front, took out the disk and put in a piece of bone, patriotic piece of bone there. to replace the disk. this took the pressure off the
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nerve. >> okay. wow. now his arm then, it controls the triceps. >> well his arm be stronger if. >> we don't know for sure. they will test that, but that's the real problem. >> does the fusion like restrict that range of motion? >> not at all. not at all. it is as good as ever. >> so, he could be stronger than he was before. >> exactly. after this repair, his neck is probably stronger than it was before he started. >> wow. that's all that we need. okay. now, at risk for another injury, you think? this could be recuring? >> probably not. when this is repaired. they even put in a plate here in the front to hold it in place. so, not in manning's case. he is good to go. >> where do you think that she is going to go? baltimore? >> yes. indeed. a good backup in baltimore. >> a backup.
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>> oh, boy. >> well, we'll be back here in a few moments with your forecast. ,,,, ♪ [ female announcer ] gross -- i'll tell you what's really gross: used dishcloths. they can have a history that they drag around with them. for a cleaner way to clean try bounty extra soft. in this lab demo, one sheet of bounty extra soft leaves this surface 3 times cleaner than a dishcloth. it's super durable too.
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it's the cleaner way to clean. bring it with bounty extra soft. in the pink pack. and try bounty napkins.
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that's our report for this saturday morning. i'm gigi barnett. >> i'm tim williams. set your clock a,,,,,,,,
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♪ [ female announcer ] gross -- i'll tell you what's really gross: used dishcloths. they can have a history that they drag around with them. for a cleaner way to clean try bounty extra soft. in this lab demo, one sheet of bounty extra soft leaves this surface 3 times cleaner than a dishcloth. it's super durable too. it's the cleaner way to clean. bring it with bounty extra soft. in the pink pack. and try bounty napkins.
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